Mizoram Police address inaction allegations on Mizo maids in Syria
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Aizawl: The Mizoram Police have responded to allegations circulating on social media regarding their purported inaction concerning the plight of three Mizo housemaids sent illegally to Syria by E&K Agency, Vaivakawn, on November 6, 2022. The police have categorically denied these claims, describing them as unfounded and regrettable.

In a detailed statement, police officials outlined the various measures they have undertaken to ensure the safe repatriation of the affected individuals. According to the Mizoram Police Press Release issued on May 1, 2024, the Mizoram government has been in continuous communication with the First Secretary, Head of Chancery, at the Indian Embassy in Syria. Through official emails and telephone calls, they have kept abreast of the latest status regarding the Mizo housemaids.

A Mizoram Police statement said the housemaids in Syria had been contacted multiple times and their grievances and issues were assessed. They were also allegedly informed about the government’s initiatives for their safe return. The Indian Embassy in Syria held a meeting with the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on May 19, 2024, during which a legal notice was served to the employers of the Mizo housemaids.


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