khali cable row 1
khali cable row 1

Dalip Singh Rana aka the Great Khali was best known for his years in the World Wrestling Entertainment from 2006 to 2014. Did he jump off the top ropes? No. Did he put on some weekly classic matches? No. Rana performed under the moniker ‘The Great Khali’ and was meant to be an unstoppable man.

Someone who couldn’t be beaten, someone who will always be an obstacle between you and your match win — that was his character and it worked perfectly. His signature moves — The Kahli Vice Grip and Khali Chop — are a call for the death angel, Thanatos.

As he celebrates his 47th birthday, allow us to give you a sneak peek into some of the previously unknown facts about the professional wrestler, promoter and actor hailing from Haryana:


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