Sustainable Development Goals were localized to hold all the states accountable for their progress towards sustainable development goals and working on the same line, NITI Aayog and the Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region released the North Eastern Region District SDG Index. The report assessed the performances of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura in terms of meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. Out of all the districts, East Sikkim topped the list. The Sustainable Development Goals focuses on a number of targets but the important goals include no poverty, good health and well being, zero hunger, gender equality, good education, clean water and sanitation, decent work and economic growth and reduced inequality.

SDG Goal Performance Of North-East Region

The entire Northeast region performed well for working on Life On Land, which comes under SDG 15. The indicator for the same includes forest cover, wasteland and wildlife and the Northeast region being a hilly region have always performed well in this region. 75% of the districts did well in meeting SDG 6 that includes Clean Water and Sanitation. The goal in which the entire Northeast region is lacking is Goal 9 that includes Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. Meeting this goal has been tough due to the hilly terrain of the region and low internet connectivity. In addition to that, the Northeast region should also focus on meeting Goal 4 (Quality Education), Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and Goal 13 (Climate Action).

How Individuals Can Contribute To SDGs?

The government will do its job to meet the Sustainable Development Goals as it would be competing with other countries of the world for rank. However, it needs to be noted that apart from the government, individuals should also give their best to ensure that the Sustainable Development Goals are met.


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