Royal Global School unveils ‘Iris’, Northeast’s first AI teacher

In a groundbreaking move for education in Northeast India, Royal Global School introduced ‘Iris,’ an AI-powered humanoid teacher dressed in a traditional mekhela chador. On her first day, Iris captivated students with her detailed explanations and interactive teaching style.

“What is haemoglobin?” a curious student inquired. Iris, with her humanoid presence and traditional attire, attentively provided an intricate explanation, holding the class in rapt attention. This introduction of AI into the classroom generated palpable excitement among the students, who eagerly engaged with their new teacher.

Iris proved to be more than just a source of information. She answered questions from the syllabus and beyond with ease, enriching the student’s learning experience with detailed explanations and practical examples. The children were particularly delighted by Iris’s ability to perform gestures like handshakes, making learning both informative and enjoyable.


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